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Where to Find Accounting Clients Diagram


Where to Find Accounting Clients diagram
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Although every accounting business is different, the methods of generating new business often change with the age of a firm.

Often, the best clients come from referrals. This is for several reasons:

This suggests that, when starting there are three key criteria that should be applied to new clients:

Focusing on the raw acquisition of customer numbers may lead to a death spiral in which undesirable clients continue to refer even more undesirable clients.

As a new firm owner, the key focus should be to gather a small group of excellent clients and to use them as a catalyst for further growth. Wow them with expertise and responsiveness in order to generate new referrals. With a bit of luck, this process should feed upon itself and generate a significant inflow of desirable customers.

One of the ways to get increased mindshare with existing clients is to increase the number of contacts. It may be worthwhile, for instance, to visit them or take them out to lunch during non-busy seasons.

Remember: the best time to start building relationships is before you need clients.

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